

Webions is a MMORPG game, avalible on browsers.

In school age, I spent a lot of time playing Tibia. Whenever I walked away from my computer it hurt me not being able to pull out my phone and develop characters outside of the computer. When i met Node.js technology, found it an invaluable technology (javascript everywhere) and decided to create something interesting. Connecting the dots i decide to make version of Tibia that could be played on all devices

Webions offers a small world with a few monsters, items, looting, quests fist Fightig, distance Fighting, mwalls, Automation shooting, Automaton Mwalls, - and all this only after entering the website in the browser


So that every Tibia fan can enjoy this game - I have made available a public repository - just open sewer.js by node.js (or push this repository to heroku)


Do you want to play? Just go to https://webions.uk/